No-one has played a bigger part in the rise of the British far right than the BBC

Sub description:

Welcome to Green and Pleasant, a place for UK related news, politics and memes. This is a leftist space first and foremost, although rational debate is welcome. Please be sure to read the subreddit rules.

Key points: "Green", "politics", "leftist space first". The sub also has an auto bot that flags any content that links to a news site that isn't considered left leaning.

Of the 10 main political parties, only the Green party is consider to be "Left-wing". Labour and even the Lib Dems are considered "center-left". That means the sub mostly fits the Green Party agenda, meaning it is more than likely subscribed by Green supporters based on the articles and discussions that are in view for all to see. In fact, go to a dedicated Green Party sub and you will find similar behavior.

You then claim I am not a smart cookie? Hilarious. Just further proves how out of touch some people are on subs like this. You, like the many other fools that like to congregate and high-five like-minded buddies into a false sense of empowerment, are soon put back in your place when it's time to vote.

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