Nobody takes me seriously. Tired of cutting myself daily, just want to slice a vein and bleed out. I'm done with life.

It sounds like you've had a really hard time and that sucks. I get why you're feeling how you are.

I used to cut as well. It really is an addiction and it's not an easy habit to break. I think it's hard for people who haven't dealt with it to grasp why we do it sometimes. It's keeping you alive, just make sure to take care of your wounds and try to pick something new to try and replace it with. If it doesn't work, that's okay, just try again the next day. Mine became food, lol, not the most productive but an improvement for sure.

You asked what's stopping you from trying to attempt suicide again. Your daughter seems to be so important to you and she's still so young, there's so much of her life left for you to see and be a part of. It sounds like you really care and I really think you've been a good mom to her and still can be. Unfortunately, you can't do that if you're dead.

I know that it feels like there's no other option right now and it's completely valid that you just don't want to deal with the pain you've got. Obviously whether you want to take your life or not is ultimately your decision, but don't let all the hurt cloud out the things in your life that matter to you because it sounds like they exist.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread