Non-high Earners in the Bay Area, What's Keeping You Here?

Yes, on Reddit, I see what seems like ordinary 20-somethings saying, "Me and all my friends earn $150-300k," and then a few months later, it's "Me and all my friends earn $180-$700k," and even "half my friends make over 7 figures." I suppose in the Bay Area by now, especially SF and certain other cities, a mere 6 figures is poverty level, especially on the lower end of it. 7 figures is probably as run-of-the mill these days as 6 figures was decades ago, or still is in low cost of living areas.

I'm reluctant to look at SF people's LinkedIn or other stuff online because I'm afraid I'll see very impressive stuff, like multiple Ivy+ schools, the most prestigious employers, impressive-sounding job titles, and the worst - multiple startups that they co-founded or founded.

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