North Korea will take part in next two Olympics: International Olympic Committee president.

That's China saying chill bro! Let Russia and the trumpet puppet play war games. Thomas Jefferson fucked his slaves and dreamt this republic into reality.FDR banged bitches in swamps, sold his soul for the IRS. Only to lead a country from dust and bones into the empire we never grabbed the neck of. Because honor meant something. JFK cuckholded Joe DiMaggio's wife and avoided world destruction. That probably signed the warrant of his public execution. Bill took BJ's by the desktop buzzer trying to forget he has to spend his death bed looking up at that robot wife. He wanted to feast and duck and Hillary wanted to play cersei. George W got that oil and got Saddam in a hole for trying to kill his Pa!(mans game) and Obama gave free health care to the poor and a drone strikes to assholes who fucked up the opioid trade!( I'm guessing

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