Not all confession bears need to be about horrible things

It's all perception. If I was hanging out with Kevin Hart and I tell a story about how him and I had this crazy experience, a good number of people with think that I'm name dropping. BUT, if I tell the same story about my friend that you've never heard of, then I'm not bragging. Actually some people would even judge me for having an awesome story to tell. Some people's existence on this planet involves shit that many people are very envious of. This is one of the reasons why famous people often can't hang with regular people. Not because famous people aren't cool with it, but the regular people aren't. People that have wildly succeeded in life are still social people; they like to chat, have friends, hang out, have problems etc... The average person is often more star struck than is healthy with all kinds of things; money, fame, beauty. If I take 5 seconds too long too look at my $40k watch, then I'm flaunting it? What if I just have a buzz and I'm admiring it because it looks really fucking cool? Would you judge me if I took an extra 15 seconds because I was looking at a gif that blew my mind? No, no you wouldn't.

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