It is not racist to not be attracted to people of certain ethnicity

The true unpopular opinion here. And the one I agree with.

The truth is that dating is not only good feelings. It's also an emotional, physical and mental investment and a social statement, even if we don't realize it or chose to ignore it.

emotional/physical/mental investment is pretty obvious, but social statement maybe less. It means that the person you show to be your partner will represents what kind of of people you get involved with in a intimate way. A good looking partner will make you look more valuable that an unattractive one because this is the type of people you manage to get intimate with. Cynically said, it's like driving a new, expensive(valuable)-looking, solid-looking, shiny car vs an old dirty common car. If both might do the job just fine, which one do you want people to see you in?

Dating someone is a cool and great social interaction, but it's also a statment that they're worth your time, intimacy, often times money, and even on a subconscious level, that you find them attractive enough to hypothetically have a child one day ; that is attraction.

The say that one race of people automatically doesn't deserve such investment from you/ doesn't deserve to hypothetically reproduce with you (even if your conscious you doesn't want a child for logical reasons, subconscious still evaluates people who would be a good fit, hence why childfree people still try to score attractive partners) is, by pure defintion, racist.

Once again, I think it's the only type of racism that should be tolerated. That's the way it is and I'm quite okay with this.

But I'd like if people just admitted the word racism to describe this bias, because that's what the process is by definition.

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