A note on discussions involving Feminism and/or SJWs

I believe feminism and SJW are, to a reasonable extent, necessary and healthy parts of society. Their are certainly times when the status quo does need to challenged. The civil rights movement and early feminist movements are a great example of this. There was obviously issues that needed to discussed and resolved, and when the offending group refused to even acknowledge that their is an issue, that action must be taken, and sometimes that involves making people uncomfortable, but only for as long as it takes to satisfactorily address the issue. In my mind, problems arise once their original purpose has been satisfied. (Before i get into this next part, i would like to establish that in the current day and age, in the united states, men and women are on more or less equal footing. Sure it is not perfect, and their are still some bad apples that ruin the bunch, but we have taken many great stride in the past few decades.)

As i was saying, issues often arise once a groups original purpose has been fulfilled, and instead of disbanding, they need to keep finding new reasons to keep justifying their existence. As time goes on, i believe it becomes less about the ideals, and more about the movement. I think the best example of this is modern feminists, mainly the radical extremists that most of us already have envisioned in our head the instant we hear the word feminist. In my eyes, they make people uncomfortable not because they need to, not out of necessity, but because they enjoy the power they have over others to bring attention to themselves and their movement. If they quietly faded into the background, present, but not vocal, they would lose that power. So in order to remain relevant, and therefore powerful, they need to constantly push the envelope.

TL:DR- Social movements can be a force for good, when given a clear purpose, and disbanded after that purpose is accomplished. They become radical when they become obsessed with power and the need to stay relevant.

/r/exchristian Thread