NSA so concerned over Donald Trump's ties to Russia they've 'withheld information from presidential briefings'

  • Russia secretly obtains sensitive informations on Trump that could bankrupt him
  • Russian funded politicians and political pundits begin paving the way for trump to become president
  • Trump is easily led into running for POTUS
  • Early on in the campaign he is met by a Russian handler who scares him to within an inch of his life. He now divulges info to Russia through private staff members who work for the Kremlin
  • Along the way he devises a strategy of gross incompetence, keeping up his wild TV personality, flip flopping like crazy on policy, and hiring the most insane people into his cabinet
  • As he wins the election the Kremlin begins to wonder if they blackmailed the right person
  • Security briefings are regularly cancelled, Trump says it's because he's 'smart', thus sending a message to Russia
  • He alienates the top information and security bodies in the world so nobody will trust him with shit. He uses his wildcard TV personality to dumb down briefings from exhaustive, intelligence packed confidential reports to single page reports with pictures, and finally coloring books, ensuring that his knowledge can never be used to hurt the country.
  • He uses his Hollywood and celebrity friends to create a media frenzy of opposition, trump is now effectively a ineffective president, the result of which makes several high ranking members of Putin's inner circle go missing.
  • Through smoke and mirrors tactics he funds building the wall, a white elephant tactic to pull resources from secret, Russian-backed projects within the US government, effectively defunding those initiatives.
  • After going down as the worst president in history it surfaces years later that he was in fact a brilliant tactician who silently steered America through a second Cold War, mitigating any conflicts that may have arisen.
  • Mel Gibson purchases the right to that story and makes and breathtaking and timeless film that sweeps every film festival.
  • That film is The Patriot II
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