"Numerous scientific studies have shown that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives and base their view on objective reality..."

A set of assumptions, ancedotal evidence, and stats from who knows where. I'm sorry but that's exactly compelling.

...liberal minded (in the American sense) you also are more likely to go into humanities related courses, or to be a teacher. During college I found that most men I knew getting their MBA tended to be more conservative, or even libertarian.

That has more to do with gender distribution among the disciplines than anything. Humanities and social work fields are dominated by women, and more women skew liberal.

Your observation compares a set implicitly referring to people (men and women) and you are comparing that set to another just containing men. I'd argue that more women in stem would even out that divide before I'd argue what you did based on what was written.

I think it comes down to how you view the world

Fair enough

like it's a non-controversial statement to say conservatives are more individual egotists

Egotist: A person who is excessively conceited (read: vain) or self-absorbed; self-seeker.

Guess again!

Also, you said this in a post about a now highly upvoted mastabatory rant from an elitist limosine-liberal making wide-reaching and insulting generalizations while citing fallacious (controversial) studies and the daily fucking mail as evidence. Seriously? One of the quotes is about a supposed correlation between upper body strength in men and support of a welfare state--which is (a) stupid and (b) not related to anything they wrote before spamming sources (which people never read anymore) to look good to other people that already agree with them.

But no. It's a left vs right thing. Right....

that think about there self-interests( not necessarily a bad thing) and that liberals find helping groups and trying to live as a single species is a better route

What a gross misrepresentation. They want they same damn thing, they just disagree on how to accomplish that and what is realistic. I hate conservatives too, but even I fucking know that.

Let me guess: do you also think that pro-life people just hate and want to control women (44% of americans with near-equal distribution between men and women)? You think its about bullshit like that and not about what they consider helping or caring for others under their ideological framework? None of them come from a place of empathy? If you cannot even fathom how it could (sans religious pressures), then you literally have zero understanding of the pro-life side, let alone conservatism.

FWIW I'm pro-choice.

also only about 9% of scientists are conservatives while 52% identify as liberal

And conservatives and libertarians are heavily represented in the engineering fields. If I apply the same reasoning you displayed here previously then I could extrapolate that conservatives and libertarians are more concerned with what is practical rather than theory. I could also assert that they live in the real world, interacting with people from more walks of life than the liberal scientists living a sheltered and privileged life (segregated along with the rest of academia).

Sure would align with the whole "liberals are idealists and not practical" narrative, along with research by social scientists suggesting academic discourse communities have trouble communicating outside their respective bubbles.

I'd still call all of that reaching. But you know, "It's fair to say" because i base it off "During college I found ancedotes" and c'mon its all pretty "non-controversial" isn't it? Y'all just have your heads in the clouds and dont know how to deal with the real world "(not necessarily a bad thing)"... You get the gist

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