Oklahoma Governor signs Constitutional Carry bill

You assume the same government that you don’t trust at all and that’s why you need to have guns and not be required to register them, would hesitate to march on you or bomb you or worse? Chemical weapons, biological weapons etc. You can’t have it both ways. If you “fear the government” but don’t fear them doing anything to maintain absolute power then I don’t understand what you fear from them. If there is an uprising that literally millions took part in, you would either have the military on your side and succeed. Or not on your side, and face who knows what hells they decide to use. You act like those governments that have fought uprisings haven’t been willing to use any means necessary. Maybe Syria is a good comparison? Sure we’d be better weaponized, but so would our government. And if you think they wouldn’t use horrible weapons that your guns could do nothing against, well I think you’re in fairy tale land.

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