This one doesn’t really anger me, but it’s still bullshit

Not fully. Whilst yeah, he probably isn’t really good or nice, it wouldn’t matter how long he tried being nice, nobody cared for him as he’s ugly. With my level of attractiveness on the other hand, it wouldn’t matter whether I act like a total asshole or be 10 times as nice as these delusional minds might think they are, you’d still be attractive and benefit from halo effect. Thus, whereas he first tried to be nice, he must’ve seen an asshole like me just doing whatever he wants and that is being an egocentric fucking asshole l, just because he CAN and still be more respected than this frustrated loser. It’s like the “lucky generically” meme and its true. At least this niceguy understands its because hes unattractive and not because “women love bad boys”

Just let them be themselves, laugh at their whining and stupid coping methods like ret pil or whatever it was but remember as Berlin said it jokes are the most funny when you deep down know they’re right.

/r/niceguys Thread Link -