Oops, I did it again.

Clearly I struggle with making an actual lifestyle change

Small changes that stick are very helpful in reforming one's lifestyle.

Doing things in steps can help. Each change you maintain until it seems to stick before making any other changes.

Words of wisdom or encouragement are appreciated!

Some changes are unrealistic for the long term, but many can be very realistic. It is useful to identify what is realistic for you.

Most people cannot start an exercise program and radically reform the diet and habits and expect it to be sustainable.

But most people could cut out sugary drinks and walk more and maintain that as a lifelong habit.

So, try to find what causes the problem in your life, and find realistic ways to fix it. Focus on the long term. You could be 165 in a few months if you really pushed, but you would almost certainly not be able to maintain that, and going up and down is not that healthy (and probably very uncomfortable).

But if you could find the changes you can maintain, you could start a consistent march to your goal.

/r/loseit Thread