In order to get special reward in RDO... players must find 54 cards in GTAO.. Here is the video I did for it showing every location

GTAO is literally a virtual playground for 13 year olds in angst. What's the game based on? Shoving metal ball sacks with cars, your KDR, using those flying waverunners to pvp in free roam, toxic and immature community, along with a setup that might as well have been made from the mind of an adolescence with ADHD. Because I want to jump in GTAO to get bombarded by texts, cheaters, modders, credit card warriors, oppressors, and a surplus of abandoned modes and wait times. It's literally an overabundance of sporadic content instead of a rich and fulfilling mobster game. Can the game be fun? If you're brain dead. The fact that it's made by the same company means squat. They are two completely different games. You might as well say well, if you play Skyrim you might as well be forced to play fallout or jump in just for an exclusive. You're brainwashed like a chump

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