Overwatch one year on: What is /r/Games' impression?

I'm still playing from launch and enjoying it. I just love the mix of Moba games and FPS action though I can see why fans on either spectrum being annoyed it's not a more pure experience in each aspect. Blizzard is making slow but steady progress in improving the meta-game but it's had it's stumbles. I can go over the core good things happening and bad things happening.

I'll go over the good things first:

-There was a global 25% nerf to all Ultimate charging rates. Meaning every fight has less ultimates and they hold more value. For example Mercy's Resurrection used to be up every single fight and Zarya had her team wiping Gravaton 2-3 times in a Koth round. Now unless your letting Mercy heal a fatty tank all game, Mercy won't have her Resurrection the fight after and Zarya will have one maybe two Gravaton Ultimates per KotH round.

-Healing supports mostly balanced, in that you can run all of them in a Average SR match and function in most team comps. Now which is easiest to use is a different story.... Also Tanks are overall mostly all viable at lower SR ratings though two currently have problems.

-Less Viable heroes get small buffs and some reworks to make them more relevant. Symmetra got a huge rework to make her better outside of "Defend point A", Reaper has recieved enough small buffs so he can carve a niche for himself, etc.

-Doomfist looks to a hero that has a lot of immediate impact on the meta, faster then most other new heroes in that he deals most of his damage in abilities that completely ignore barriers. If you hate DVa and Winston right now, he's looking like a very hard counter to those 2 right now.

Now for the problems.

-We're in the middle of a stale Dive Meta. Currently in high ranks and pro play most team run Winston, DVa, Tracer, either Soldier 76/Genji/Pharah, Lucio and some other support. In lower ranks you can use older compositions and less viable heroes just fine but people are waiting for the Doomfist patch with baited breath.

-There's not enough Supports and Tanks in this game. In game where most team use 2 DPS, 2 Supports and 2 Tanks having only 6 Tanks and 4 healing supports (maybe 5 if you count Sombra's use in Pro games) while most of the other rooster is DPS heroes means your often playing the same supports and tank over and over again if you want to actually run a well-rounded team in Solo Q.

-New Heroes have been slow to take off. Not only are heroes releasing slowly but so far they've taken a while to take off in the meta (with one very notable exception). Sombra is finally seeing strong usage in competitive play, Orisa is getting better but she sucks in a Dive meta and Ana arguably broke the meta after one too many buffs post-release and gave us the triple tank meta, she's a good balanced hero now though. Doomfist is so far looking like an exception to this but I can't say 100% if he'll burst onto the scene or need a buff 1-2 months later.

-Reinhardt is bugged, Roadhog got overnerfed. So right now there's a bug affecting Reinhardt where his swings and charges aren't registering properly. Blizzard is testing out a fix that seems to be working in the PTR but it's been contributing to the Dive meta I was talking about earlier. Roadhog has also been nerfed into the ground which even I thought was too much and I hated that hero.

If your looking for a time to try Overwatch again, I'd recommend waiting till after the Doomfist patch on the 27th, that should deliver some buffs to some heroes that counter Dive (and fix Reinhardt) and obviously introduce a cool new hero.

/r/Games Thread