Parents won't allow me to spend night with boyfriend

The reaction often on Reddit by some of the advice doling youngsters is "YOU DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT!!!" which is often hollow tough talk reflecting actions that they themselves wouldn't dare engage in. There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. You can be technically correct, yet still wrong in any given situation. Wisdom is comprehending that difference.

Respecting your parents - respecting their culture - means that to truly understand where they're coming from, not how you've been selfishly hurt by their decisions. Yes, at 22-years-old you should have the privilege to decide what's right for you. But, just be wary the consequences when you put yourself and your needs above all the rest.

What offends me, though, is that many Millenials purport to praise multiculturalism without really understanding what that means. For example, some areas of the world expect based on heritage, religious customs, or family wishes for people to act and behave a certain way. Multiculturalism sometimes means the individual is secondary to the cultural norms in that society. You don't have to agree with that. You don't even have to like it. But, when you put an individuals purported "rights" above that culture, then don't simultaneously claim you embrace multiculturalism.

Personally, I don't embrace it at all because, for example, I think that it is abhorrent that some Muslim cultures would condone throwing homosexuals off of buildings as acceptable or even indeed laudable behavior. I personally think multiculturalism is a lie, and that what is needed instead is respect - but not forced embrace - of differences among cultures. But, that we shouldn't have to automatically condone those practices, and that local customs should supervene. I was raised, "When in Rome, do like the Romans." Don't like it? Don't visit Rome.

What I really can't stand, though, is the hypocrisy of those who claim to be "multicultural" when really what they mean is you need to think like me or you're wrong. That is entirely generational and a quirk of the current Millenial zeitgeist. Don't worry. As they get older and the next generation coming up now forms their own strange idiosyncrasies leaving them feeling "what the fuck", they'll understand. Someday. I'm not worried. I think the difference now, though, as opposed to prior generations is the naked and unbridled arrogance and entitlement displayed by many Millenials. They're right. Everyone else is wrong. They can't be questioned. If you question me, I will try to destroy you.

But, alas... this is a subject for another thread. I'll probably delete this after you idiots downvote it a few times anyway. I take the downvotes as validation, though. So, knock yourself out.

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