Pence incorrectly links Iran to 9/11 while trying to justify America's assassination of the country's top general

Iran has been actively and outright attacking us interests for years though... So despite everybody hating on America. Iran provoked this attack and to act like the man they killed didn't do what they say he did is frankly absurd.He's been at it for decades.

Sure America is trigger happy and their current president is batshit crazy. Though Iran encourages "Death to America" all day everyday. So now they're facing the consequences. When you kill Americans you can pretty much expect to get hit hard. What did Iran think, they could poke the bear and push it's buttons forever without repercussions?

Iran might be a fierce regional power, that's great at proxy wars. Though to go toe to toe with the American military is no laughing matter. Iran should take a step back if it wants to preserve its self interest. Trumps a loose cannon, it wouldn't be wise to test how much so.

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