People are so dumb, in a year they will literally be thinking their faithful partner of 20 years gave them aids

The Cleveland Clinic also told me it main campus they don't fix T cells and T cells are responsible for fighting cancer and viruses oh, they told me they just haven't had the time to do very much research on them well I'll tell you why they haven't, because all the people that have defective immune systems get monthly blood plasma from the Cleveland Clinic and each person is into them for about 15 to $20,000 per month for this treatment at some point in time you could get cancer this whole thing is so ridiculous because the very cells that this vaccine targets are CD4 and cd8 lymphocytes oh, I sit here every day watching the world think how they're going to be cured but I ask myself how? All viruses the nucleus is protected by an encapsulated environment therefore any treatment bounces off that and gives the virus and opportunity to keep transitioning itself and adapting to whatever treatment Comes This Way sorry about the O's my computer hears what it chooses

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