People who are for basic income, come forward!

Fortunately, we don't live in a society where we let the sick and old die by the side of the road. We as a society, as a civilization, have taken it upon ourselves to organize into a governmental system in which a nation is concerned primarily with the wellbeing of its citizens.

Without a government, warlords take over. Rape and theft and murder are the natural order when all the rules are removed. I suggest you move to Somalia if that's the kind of society you want to live in.

Regarding Engineers - it's only a matter of time before somebody writes a program that can code. Then YOU will be the "parasite," living with your parents or crashing on a friend's couch. Like most angry conservative people, the problems of others mean nothing until you personally experience them. I'm fairly certain you'll have a sudden change of heart at that moment, but it's irrelevant.

What is coming is a situation in which we CANNOT adapt. There's no night school for being able to feed yourself when companies purchase robots to do the jobs people used to do. There is no "survival of the fittest," because none of us are fit for that situation.

Do you think all those people will lay down and die quietly? I know you don't care about them, but what about when the molotov cocktails start flying through windows? Do you think the rich will be left untouched when 75% of the population can't find work or buy food? How do you think the unemployment system is going to fare with that many people trying to draw benefits?

If we don't make "marxist" changes to the way our economy works, it is doomed. Companies can't survive without customers. No matter how entrenched you are, you will be affected. So, in order to avoid a future in which an angry riot decides to burn you out of your house...what can we do? Note that I'm avoiding talking about what's RIGHT to do, or what a good government SHOULD do. What are our options at all?

They're narrow. We could try banning robots completely, but that infringes on the freedom of companies to hire/fire/purchase as they see fit. It also means that all the US companies with meat-workers will be at a serious competitive disadvantage to overseas companies that do not.

What's your suggestion? Remember, molotov cocktails. Mobs throwing bricks. You do NOT have enough bullets.

What's the plan?

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