People whose parents split up, what was it like afterwards?

Pretty rough, I think maybe more so because I was a young adult and how manipulative my mother was. My dad is a kindhearted and beautiful man, worked a blue collar job and overtime as much as possible. My mother was and still is emotionally abusive to all of us. When my dad confronted her about the finances, asking where mine and my sisters college tuition money went, she went psycho accused him of cheating, and tossed a few bowls at him for good measure. She then completely manipulated my family and their friends into painting my father into some kind of monster, it broke him, and I know still to this day, 12 years later, it still destroys him. I’ve since cut my mother out of my life, after their split she constantly prioritized other men over my sister and I, taking our savings as 20 somethings “for the mortgage”. One day I went to walk into the house after work and saw a foreclosure sign on the house. But my father was always there, he saved us then, and I’d like to think we save him now. She still is playing victim all these years and few different failed engagements later.

/r/AskReddit Thread