Person is put at gunpoint in car by a cop

Yes congrats you linked something. But you're still missing the point.

You stated, and I quote, "it's very likely that the person you pull over is armed."

This is, OBJECTIVELY, incorrect. That's literally the only point I raised at the start and backed up with data. Nothing more, nothing less at that point. Now, you can argue that police may THINK that everyone is armed. That's a VERY different assertion from the one you raised. Perhaps you meant to say, "The police perceive every traffic stop to potentially be a violent one." That would address the perception being different from the reality, and not an objective statement and open to discussion.

You're still not acknowledging that statistics have zero impact on how people perceive danger in a high stress situation

This is an ENTIRELY. DIFFERENT. DISCUSSION. You are absolutely free to disagree, and for the record, I actually agree with you to some extent. Granted, with proper training and pragmatic thinking, to included proper screen of personnel, you can improve this factor.

If you want to refute that blindly because I said it was a likely possibility without citing, then once again, feel free. It's not my job to pry a closed mind open.

And that would be a strawman - I never argued that point initially, champ.

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