Personal responsibility is "PROBLEMATIC".

The fuck? Amphetamines are not a garbage supplement. They're a very powerful stimulant.

Was prescribed a formulation back in mid-2014 for treatment of ADD. Discovered one of the side-effects of amphetamines is appetite suppression. Made it possible to actually stick to 2000 calories a day for the past three years and I credit it as being the most significant reason I lost so much weight. I did not have the willpower otherwise, especially not back in 2014.

I would not have lost 145 lbs without it. Wasn't the only reason, but was the biggest reason.

Just like it took me eight years to accept I had ADD, that it wasn't a character flaw, that it was a medical condition that could be treated, it was at the same time I realized my obesity was related and treated it too.

This is supposed to be a subreddit for the debunking of fatlogic, right? Well get off your high horse and realize that "it's entirely in your control" is the same strain of bullshit that spawns fatlogic in the first place.

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