I picked up some last minute Thanksgiving items on lunch break and left them tied up in a bag in the break room fridge. This is how I found my pie..

All you have to do is compare European and American crime and poverty statistics to come to the conclusion that Europeans are just kinder people in general. Of course, Criminals are responsible for their own actions, but crime comes with poverty. And many Americans, but ESPECIALLY American corporations don’t want to pay the taxes that it would take to create the preventative social programs that keep people from falling into poverty. There are huge corporations that in some years pay no taxes at all due to incorporating offshore and many other tax loopholes. Our Congress usually aids and abets corporations because of the rewards congressman receive from them, such as lucrative jobs after they leave office. Meanwhile the gap between the have and have-nots grows larger each year. Nothing has been done to remediate that. In Europe there are fewer poor because there is much less greed and a lot more of a sense of egalitarianism. My opinion is that The Scandinavian countries are the best example of this. And the people there are very happy.

/r/mildlyinfuriating Thread Link - i.redd.it