Pixel is stepping down from DD

Yea, down vote me for my opinion, and this is nothing against these users, just an opinion... but it's funny how people are afraid of keyboard commandos and their "threats". When someone actually shows up at my home to threaten me, then we can talk over a meal, maybe lead? Perhaps it's became too much, that certain people can't live up to what others on here have created them into being in their own minds. Maybe it's partially due to users tagging them on everything, constantly bothering with a 1000 questions, and making it seem like whatever they say is gospel...think it's more than "just threats"...but sure we will see more of this going forward...people are doing the same thing with DFV and all his profiles too...has he quit yet? Don't you think he would have received just as many threats collecting millions of dollars by these people and all his own DD? Just a thought...

/r/GME Thread