Player Spotlight: KiwiKid

First of all, forgive me for being rude, but take a big fucking step back. You're a guy on Reddit, you're not an analyst, a coach, you have no association with teams and no knowledge of their conditions or how their chemistry, camaraderie or friendship is.

You're talking out of your ass and an interview that happened when the team had a different roster and terrible loes has no implications with this current roster. This roster is, in all terms "on the rise" and ended with some wins which is huge for morale and mentality. Am I saying everybody is best friends like old Dig? No. You have two Koreans who don't speak fluent English, a really, really quiet/shy guy in Azingy. It's not going to make everybody best friends day or week or month one - but winning is all important. If you're winning, you're happy. If you're losing, you're probably not happy.

And comparing Dignitas to TSM is a joke. C9 started the trend of coaching and analysts, TSM closely followed. In terms of internal structuring and management, C9 and TSM are in their own class, no other team comes close except Liquid (imo).

TSM has ALWAYS been a top team, and even in their "losing" days - it was only in international competition where they got stomped. They were still stomping or doing "great" domestically, unlike Dig which has never, ever been consistently good.

They have done good, and pulled CLG's and just train wreck at the end of the season or split when it counts. So no, TSM isn't Dignitas and winning isn't easy. That's a line you should learn in EVERY sport. Manchester United, the Miami Dolphins, the Oklahoma City Thunder aren't not winning games, seasons or championships because they hate you, the fans or don't do enough to try to win: it's not easy. Especially with Dig, like I said: two Koreans, minimal English, constantly shifting roster. It's not easy.

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