Please teenage girls rethink your decision to wear A Hijab. I didn't and lost almost all of my noteworthy life.

“The only reason why Islam is growing so fast is because it’s members keep taking over territories”

What the fuck are you talking about? Yea actually you’re right, I remember when Muslims got involved in the Middle East, started multiple proxy wars to weaken it, planted puppet states to start displacing millions of the people living there, bombed and killed millions of innocent Muslims, oh wait actually all of those were done by the US.

Muslims haven’t been involved in global conquest since world war 1 you fucking moron. The reason it’s growing is because it’s the truth. It has the highest number of converts compared to other religion and unlike other religions like Christianity which people are leaving in the millions, the overwhelming majority of Muslims hold onto their religion their whole life.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent