Political spending at Trump properties surpasses $20M

The biggest kicker for me: With the amount of power you have as US president, your simple decisions are worth BILLIONs. Let alone foreign policy decisions.

Giving up western pressure on Russia over Ukraine/Crimea? Ceding decades of US middle-east policy to have Assad reclaim control over Syria, have Turkey make its own territory claims and military moves, and grant Russia control over the airspace?

To have thousands of US troops deployed to Saudi Arabia?

To sweep any issues with China under the rug?

To legitimize Kim Jong Un and elevate NK to the level of international dialogue?

My fucking god, these are moves worth tens of billions of dollars. Potentially hundreds of billions. The sheer amount of money and power that you would have to throw around to get even 1/10 of this accomplished and...

And all trump got was 20 million.

What a fucking clown

/r/politics Thread Link - opensecrets.org