Popcorn Popping on an Apricot Tree. My first shelf breaker

While I'm very sorry for how you were treated in kindergarten, THIS is a great allegory for how so many others feel about being lied to and deceived by the church on the REALLY BIG stuff. I mean, it's embarrassing to find out you were living a lie. Man, I wish I could up-vote this post a thousand times so others will see it. Imagine being an adult and a friend or co-worker tells you Joseph Smith was a polygamist and married young teenage girls, and you adamantly defend your faith and the founder of your faith......only to find out later on......

My wife was a bit on the fence when I came-out to her that I was pretty much done. She didn't dive into any huge works or podcasts of dissenters over many years of researching out the issues. Nope, she read the church gospel essays over a two week period (it took her time between each one to process) and THAT was enough for her. Her shelf came crashing down from the church's own admissions. She felt so much anger toward the church. My MIL felt so much embarrassment too. She had gotten most of her family into the church. Imagine having to tell all of them you were deceived and thereby deceived them.

/r/exmormon Thread