Pranked by my boyfriend that he died yesterday. So upset and hurt.

This is why almost everyone I know has given up April fool's day. If anyone at all's opinion of a pranks might be "That is WAY too severe!!!", you can lose your job, your house, your family, and everything else. It just isn't worth it. Even if 75 people think it is the greatest joke on earth, your entire family, and almost everyone else involved except one, the person who was pranked will turn from prankee to victim in 5 seconds flat depending ONLY on their opinion.

Pretend to be a monster to scare somebody? It is only funny until they react badly, hurt themselves, and become your victim and legal liability.

Ultimate conclusion: Victim

Pretend to be dead/hurt/injured/cheating/negative social event? It is only funny until they turn inwards with the attitude of "I am a victim". It isn't "I am a the prankee of a prank." or "I have people in my social circle who consider me a good enough sport to partiicpate in rough house play." or "I have been pranked by my husband and his entire extended family for April fool's day. This proves how close we all are and how they consider me part of the family enough to include me." It simply becomes "I am a victim."

Ultimate conclusion: Victim

I can go on, but it gets even worse when you take the workplace into account. If someone feels targeted because they are a woman, minority, or anything else, "victim". If they feel any joke at their expense has humiliated them in front of their professional environment, "victim". If anything bad could possibly happen at all in any way even if you plan around it, "victim".

The one time IT put a PXE boot image on the network to display a cat then boot into the local HDD after displaying it as an April fool's joke turned a lot of people into victims. The data that was lost as people did incredibly stupid things because of the "Cat Virus" was put on IT. It wasn't put on the people who wiped production data from their systems before calling IT to protect it from the "Cat" Virus". They were "victims" even though they did not follow procedure to contact IT where the "Cat Virus" was explained on the support page. Nobody lost their jobs, but April fool's day is officially over. That comes courtesy of the small hospital/doctor group I worked for previously.

tl;dr The Internet has shown us the future of April Fool's day. It is obvious, unmistakable to anybody who sees it, devoid of any real humor, and completely harmless.

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