Do you prefer 50/50 or submission?

But just cause she is agreeable doesn't make her a doormat.

You have to take your own personality out of the equation to understand agreeable people.

She prefers that I make all the small day to day choices that have little baring on her happiness as it makes her life easier. I don't always like this arrangement, and ask her to make choices from time to time.

She could end up being a doormat if she let me make all the big decisions and somehow they were always favourable to me at her expense. If she carried on the relationship knowing this was the dynamic. That would certainly be a doormat.

But knowing her she would simply dump my ass if I behaved in way. Smart agreeable people find partners that are considerate as that is a necessity for them.

Again. I had no preference for an agreeable partner until I fell in love with one. I have just gotten used to this and her agreeableness has probably lessened a bit with age. Would I have liked a slightly less agreeable partner. Maybe. But I wouldn't want to change the person I fell in love with. Not by much anyway.

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