Pressure is building on White House to release secret chapter of official report said to link Saudi Arabia to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bob Graham, chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee, at the time, says inquiry he led uncovered evidence that Saudis were the “principal financier”.

The push to blame Saudi Arabia is 911 Bullsh*t of the Third Kind, after OBL did it and GW Bush & Dick Cheney were responsible arrive at 1 & 2 - IT WAS JEWS!

There were no hijackers, the planes that hit the WTC Towers were piloted by remote control.

Using technology developed by conspirator Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who stole 2.3 trillion dollar$ from the US Government while comptroller at the Pentagon, who with Zionists Jerome Hauer and Michael Chertoff engineered the whole project.

No plane at Shanksville a cruise missile slammed into the Pentagon, "celebrating" Jews were filming as the WTC Towers went down.

Thousands of Jews were away from the WTC on the day, while warnings to stay away came from NY synagogues the Friday before, and from the Odigo Hebrew language messaging service.

The plan is to bring Bob Graham, Barak Obama and millions of co defendants in politics, law enforcement, and news broadcasting to trial and hangin' for spurning the same evidence!**

More wretched is that the Saudis refuse to set the record straight and to "cast truth" as per the injunction in the Koran, which surely identifies the lot as unbelievers and as tools of Zion.

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