Pro - weed people that refuse to acknowledge a single negative thing about pot are the worst (rant)

You should probably re-read the post you linked yourself, friend. If they stated at any point that they didn't read what you posted for any reason, its since been long deleted.

When did I say CHS causes bronchitis ?

You claimed a link right before offering up sources that were never provided. Granted you never claimed causative or correlative - I believe I conflated the two (that's on me) but if you could provide the research on a correlative link between CHS and bronchitis that would be fantastic. I scanned through everything you've previously linked and came up with nada.

What pseudoscience are you even talking about ?

What I just previously referenced, not to mention the clinging to CHS in general - which is so elementary in our understanding that rallying around it as a totem for this argument is painfully tenuous. Also one of the links you pushed from had a sample size of 10 and was lead by two researchers that published literally nothing else in their entire career but had dozens of citations from this single paper from pharma and alcohol institutions. Again; science and skepticism go hand in hand.

I don't want to get into this any further with you because its getting too internet fighty for my tastes, and also because I really appreciate your first link. Like - a lot. We're also both here so in some respect we're kindred. Please just understand that when discussing this issue you're going to meet a lot of resistance - and that guy you're upset with was damned civil in comparison to many of the conversations I've had on this subject with other deniers.

I wish you the best and apologize for any aggression.

/r/leaves Thread Parent