[PROOF INSIDE] I am the player who was banned for insulting myself. The automated system has just banned me for two weeks.

Riot Lyte: I'm going to be honest, I feel like you're trolling me a bit. It's very obvious you do chat in games, and it's not just to commend players or say GJ. There's a lot of weirdness to your chat logs though; for example:

[31:54] Lil Soybean: btw guys I keep my chat muted so if you're talking to me I can't hear it [31:59] Lil Soybean: sorry [32:06] Lil Soybean: "AKALI STOP DIVING YOU ****IN DINGUS" [32:09] Lil Soybean: Whoopseee heheheheh [33:33] Lil Soybean: nvm [34:03] Lil Soybean: NCIE LASER YO! [34:06] Lil Soybean: OMG AND THE KAYLE ULT!!! [34:08] Lil Soybean: I LOVE THIS TEAM!!! [34:15] Lil Soybean: Unmuting y'all

In this particular case, saying whoopseee hehehehe afterwards doesn't suddenly make the previous statement OK, even if you are trying your best to make it appear like you were joking. You still got reported for it, so others did find it rude that you would consistently use an offensive remark followed by a "joke" like "lol!" In a lot of games, you get pretty heated with random players and accuse them of being toxic smurfs, etc. In other examples, you repeatedly bash others for being a smurf (when you're clearly playing on a smurf). In fact, in one game you repeatedly attack a smurf for what they are doing to new players... which is ironic because you're on a smurf doing the same.

However, I'm going to reduce your ban on this account to 3-days. It's clear you are trying to make an effort, but because you were behaving the way you did with new players in the game, the punishment was pretty severe. Hopefully, you just use chat for teamplay communication or positive comments from now on, on both your smurf + main accounts.


Nevermind the previous post, update is in.

We're going to remove the ban entirely. Your account should be updated in a few minutes Lil Soybean.

We've confirmed that most of the attacks were against himself, and if we removed all of the self-attacks, the attacks on smurfs alone did not justify a punishment. It was super unclear which of OP's attacks were against himself and which were against smurfs (because the chat lines sometimes didn't mention a champion or Summoner Name), but once we dug into more detail and removed all of the OP's attacks against himself in the chat logs, the remaining attacks against smurfs weren't severe enough to warrant a penalty.

This is the first case we've hand-reviewed in the new machine learning system that has resulted in an error in the outcome, and I'd like to personally apologize to you Lil Soybean. We'll have to figure out better ways to have the system identify self-attacks with a different severity scale.

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