Protesters gather in Madison after Police officer shoots, kills 19-year-old black man

[x]police called



[ ] don't protest [x] Protest

why would this be worthy of news....oh, that's right. The Ferguson report was just published so we're back on the race thing again.

Another thing too. There are so many great (awful) examples of racial discrimination by police or simple shitty police misconduct...why do the protests happen in cases where it's clear as mud. Chris Brown is a great example. There were so many conflicting stories about what happened and people were up in arms to the point where stores were being set on fire. That's what was protested.

Maybe protest something like Bennett where there is video of cops showing up and shooting someone on video, from 20+' away, that wasn't moving...then claiming that he was charging toward the police. This is a pretty clear case, but nope....not much outrage.

Or John Crawford a guy who just happened to pick up a pellet gun from the shelf of a walmart....then some 'concerned citizen' calls and says Crawford is doing all sorts of stuff he wasn't. Police show up and kill him within 1 second of making contact. These are what we should be protesting.

The reason I'm concerned about the current situation regarding findings is that the dialogue seems to point toward...not targeting blacks. Okay, I get it. But it also sounds a fucking lot like....quit arresting blacks. which sounds a lot like lets let things slide because you happen to be black. Arresting fewer people shouldn't be a goal. The goal should be to simply enforce current policy effectively across the entire spectrum. To actually operate within the intent of the law, not the margin. Unreasonable searches and seizures shouldn't be manipulated to say "well, he looks suspicious..that means it's not unreasonable"

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