PSA: You can be perma banned for low KDA in ranked

I kind side with this youtube comment:

pls i had loosing streaks in toxic dia5 where i had 0/10 stats for like 15 games in a row; you wont be banned for this just after 4 lost games. i bet 90% he suicided by running into the enemy turret or shit like that because ritos ban system for feeding tries to detect those things.This is probably what happend: My friend got banned > the ticket shows 4 bad games -> you bet he got reported for intentional feeding> you make this video.

I even watched the video now: Lets see: first game k might be a bad game. The malzahar game was clearly a intentional feeding by him. 80 cs in a 28 minute game with malzahar in silver 4? I got some silver friends and they all can do better than this even in the worst games. He probably was afk; hoped that the game ends faster by killing himself. 3nd cait game: 0/12/6; YOUR TEAM HAS 43 KILLS; he afk farmed bot and muted the rest of the team -> he got reported


  1. He tilted; trolled or did other bad things after the first minutes - the stats of those games clearly show this.
  2. enemy reported her for a good reason
  3. point 1 and 2 repeated 4 times in a row
  4. because he trolled in games before he gets banned


  1. ENEMY reports counts more- if you get 9 reports 4 times in a row you are banned probably for a good reason
  2. You cant abuse this system against 1 player because every game you play with different people(at least in silver) -> you need to make 36 people angry at you.
  3. dont worry about bad stats and be a KDA bitch - this is something that will never happen to you as long as you dont flame like shit every game or intentional feed
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