Puerto Rican vote leans heavily toward U.S. statehood: government

yeah, it's not great. but you have to understand where puerto ricans are coming from too. the US has had a history of meddling with their economy, and now that it's failing (which is what happens when the corporate tax incentives the US gave companies to relocate expire and those companies leave, taking chunks of the economy with them) we don't give a shit. the american people and our government could not possibly give any less of a fuck than we do in this moment. they're our territory and we have a responsibility to be stewards of our territories, but we have failed them utterly.

they've tried and tried and tried to get relief, which requires congressional approval, but they've been blocked at every turn because they have a tiny voice that's easily crushed by the lobbyists for the hedge funds that own puerto rico's debt.

they have two options left: statehood, or total separation. because the current arrangement sure as shit is not doing them any good. and honestly, after being neglected for so long, would you be super gung ho about joining the country that couldn't give a fuck about you? i wouldn't.

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