Pug'Maw (Pug/Doggo Kog'Maw) Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends

Urf Kench is an ugly abomination that's basically the bastard child of Urf and Tahm

Void Illaoi makes Illaoi into a void creature, that doesn't fit. Same for Void Fizz.

Pool Party Reksai makes her a shark, she's a void creature. It doesn't make sense.

Ashe is not a marauder. She is quite the opposite. It makes no sense.

Sivir is not a protector of the weak, it doesn't make sense.

Varus, Vel'koz, Syndra and Aatrox are not champions of good and the light. The justicar/arclight line are out of place.

Trundle is evil. He wouldn't be a cop. The skin makes no sense.

I don't think Darius has any in lore reason to play basketball.

Caitlyn is a sheriff, not a killer. Why does she have headhunter?

I highly doubt Nautilus or Teemo have ever been to space. The skins make no sense for either of them.

Why would Draven wear a big Draven mask?

Look I know this probably comes across like I'm being a douche, but honestly, skins don't have to make sense. There is no "fitting in" with skins. Pupper Kog should be fine if Butterfly Kog is fine.

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