Put the Republican Party on the Domestic Terrorist Watch List

There is no reason or justification to treat the politicians at the helm of Republican party and all of their associates as anything other than enemy number one of the United States.

They lie, steal, cheat, and stand by as countless people, even their own constituents, die on their watch. They continuously and brazenly issue attacks on our democracy, our economy, and our unity. They do all of this and more solely to protect and further their own greedy, psychotic interests, and more often than not this can be proven without any reasonable doubt.

The Republican party will pull the trigger on this nation for their own gain the absolute first nanosecond that they have reason to think that they can get away with it. Why the actual fuck should we suffer them to retain any degree of authority or freedom whatsoever? Expel the lot of them, dissolve the party completely, launch thorough and invasive investigations into each of them, and lock them away for good and forever for every single crime they can be found guilty of. Otherwise, what's the fucking point of any of this?

/r/politics Thread Link - prospect.org