Putin thinks he's winning Ukraine war—Russian political analyst

The fact of the matter is that we don't know "which" war Russia or the West is allegedly losing, or allegedly winning.

Here's NATO's assessment of the Vostok 2018 military exercise.

In line with standard Russian practice, the show of force was designed to send ambiguous and contradictory messages: images of growing military strength on the one hand and rhetoric of non-aggression and transparency on the other. For this event, Russia’s senior military leaders drew the desired level of foreign attention to VOSTOK 2018 by stating publicly that approximately 300,000 troops – as well as 1,000 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters, 80 ships, and 36,000 tanks, armoured and other vehicles – would participate in an exercise unprecedented in scale since the Soviet-era ZAPAD 1981.

Ref: https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2018/12/20/vostok-2018-ten-years-of-russian-strategic-exercises-and-warfare-preparation/index.html

I ask myself: they have all this and they choose to invade Ukraine with less than 1000 old tech tanks, practical absence of air strikes and <100,000 troops - most of them conscripts from Russia's National Guard?

Something's very wrong here.

All I can think is that the Russian invasion in the Ukraine is only a section of a much, much bigger chess board and I don't have a clue as to what that chess board is, what the true Russian objectives are and what constitutes victory or defeat for either Russia or the West.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - newsweek.com