Q4ALL: Do the top guys on TRP actually get girls?

You should probably take what they say with a grain of salt either way. They don't post "4 page daily rants", that's just strawmanning, but this is the internet, and people on the internet like to bullshit. I've read some Field Reports on there that were obviously fake.

I agree that not every top poster there can possibly be a full-fledged player, but a few of them? I do believe ther are some posts there who can get hot girls easily, just not as much they claim.

The main reason for this is that a lot of the advice the guys on there give are stuff I agree with. Unless they heard that advice from someone else, it's not stuff they would know unless they already could get hot girls.

1) No idea.

2) For the most successful guys, I would have said maybe 2-3 girls a month, but I've seen Red Pill posters say that 2 new girls a month is high, even for guys who party a lot. So I'd say maybe one new girl a month but a lot of them say they have FWB's or "plates", so they'd be having more sex than that with the same women.

4) No, but they don't care about the girls being psychologically stable, since these aren't girls they would be having relationships with as implied by the word "pulling". A hot girl who is psychologically well-balanced is not as easy to find as it sounds.

5) The better your game is, the hotter girls you can pull. It's what game is all about. If you want girls in your own league, you don't need game, just basic social skills.

6) In my experience, hot crazy girls are easier to get than hot non-crazy girls. I have no idea why this is.

7) Sure, if you believe men and women are the same and are biologically hardwired to seek out the exact same characteristics in partners.

8) I've heard is username before, but I don't read or post on TRP enough to know much about him.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread