Qiqi needs a complete rework before her featured banner

The thing with qiqi's design is that she is suppose to be a healer that only heals.

A healer that only heals is a flawed, bad design especially in this game, period

Currently "CURRENTLY" there are no event where you have to sustain yourself.

event. really. a limited time period just to temporarily make a character look more shiny, then she's still redundant in 90%+ other content because she still provides nothing but healing

But if there was and all you need to do is live, then qiqi will be a strong pick. Bennet is nice but it's locked behind his ult.

False. The primary source of Qiqi's healing comes from her mark which condition requires an enemy to be present. That being the case, Bennett with low E cooldown and ER can spam his burst and have great burst uptime. In fact Bennett might actually be better because Qiqi requires a battery to even have any uptime on ult, and if bringing a support to support a healer's healing is an option, then bringing 2 healers instead is a more logical alternative..

But it is only irrelevant for the time being.

As mentioned, the contrary is equally true even if said content is introduced. "She'll be relevant only for the time of said content's duration." What happens when it's over/outside of those content? idk I guess we're back to slotting Jean/Bennett/Diona..

I dont even use qiqi and if I do its with physical keqing.

If you really don't see the irony in this then I don't know what to tell you mate

Do me a favour, rank the priority of the standard 5 stars you want dupes of on your 5* pities, and elaborate why Qiqi's on the bottom

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