r/conspiracy user predicts terrorist bombing in Syria that will be used to justify continuing involvement

Dude... first of all THANK YOU for the gold star and second of all, this trips me out, because my sister and I are actually bitching at each other via text message right now as I’m typing this reply to you. No shit. I can screen shot out convo lol..

The other day, after she read a Facebook post of mine, she called me up and went off on me. She told me I have totally lost my mind, I’m a fucking loser, she said I’m anti Semitic (I’m not, and she married a Jewish guy). She said all this other nasty shit to me and we are not friends on Facebook anymore. I had deactivated FB for 3 years and only activated recently to start spreading my theories because I felt like people need to know the truth, but the truth is most people don’t want to know or subconsciously don’t want to know because it will shatter their false sense of security. I don’t post anything bizarre like lizard people or flat earth stuff, just old fashioned corruption but nobody believes me.

I think Judaism is perfect for my sister because she has always been the victim type, and now anytime someone criticizes her, she can throw the anti Semitic card.

Its funny because she is the one who has been on meds her whole life, has tried killing me, has been committed to a psych ward, hasn’t had a job in god knows how long, keeps having babies, surrounds herself with like minded ignorant echo chambers on social media, and gets all her information from Netflix, her husband, or Rachel Maddow or any other feminist puppet.

I don’t have cable tv. I’ve never been on meds. I read a lot. I don’t barely watch sports anymore. I don’t really participate in all the bullshit that so many people I know do. It can definitely be very lonely. Most of my so called friends view me as the crazy conspiracy theorist when all they do is sit in front of their TVs watching sports, playing video games, or going out and getting shit faced. My family thinks I’m a little weird too but I really don’t care anymore. I’m thankful there are people out there like you that are in touch with reality.

We will have to fight for all these sheep some day.


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