So is r/PussyPass a white supremacy sub now?

Subs like /r/pussypass were bound to fall like this eventually since they are gateways to redpilling and alt-right ideology.

Alright, I agreed with everything else you said and fuck actual racists, but how exactly was that sub a gateway to alt-right ideology? Redpilling..? They used to discuss cases where women did outright illegal things and got away with it simply because they were women.

There were cases of women drugging and raping men, and getting away with it because someone went: "oh let's be real, he wanted to fuck her anyway". There were cases of men losing their jobs, students getting expelled, victims publicly shamed in situations where had the roles been reversed and the offender been a man, the victim would have gotten nothing but sympathy and support.

Now, the last time I checked, equality and fairness was something the left dealt with.

I should say that I was never an active participant of that subreddit and the last time I visited it was over a year ago, so maybe it gradually changed to something quite different, but I remember it as a place more akin to /r/mensrights than a bunch of nationalists.

That is all

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