Rant about 'oddly attractive' features

You can't listen to what women say they want, or find attractive. They are extremely hard to study actually. You have to look at their actions more than words. Just walk into any gym and look for a hot girl with a guy. Look at the guy.

This is what most of the very attractive women are with at the gym: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQqkRLJWEAAKAj9.jpg

By very attractive I mean they look like this: https://cdn.microfilenetwork.com/buzzfuse/gallery/11/BIG-2-49-emily-skye.jpg

As you can see the male has a very generous hip to shoulder ratio, giving him that V taper when wearing a shirt. He also has a very symmetrical face, that's boyish but still rugged, he isn't jacked or particularly vasular or overly skinny. He's probably about 15% body fat, and just a SMALL guy.

Most of these male models are like zac effron 5'9'' 160 lbs...

Like attracts like, and women want a guy that's just as pretty as they are in the face and has that typical V-taper naturally. Except, men weren't valued for their looks in society until very recently, so we haven't evolved to be pretty. Women have been evolved to attract mates with their looks since the beginning of time... They've had a lot longer to become genetically more attractive than we have.

/r/dating Thread