RE: law school graduates who aren’t calling their state representatives urging them to adopt diploma privilege

In other words, you agree that JDs are not prepared to practice law. Even ABA accredited JDs. But you have a JD and you want to practice law so ... you should get to despite the harm such a policy would cause to the weakest members of our society.

Make no mistake, this harm is real. That's why Supreme Court justices and BLE members who are more aware of that reality are the ones fighting DP. It's a real cost. If you want to convince them to change, you have to sell it to them on how DP protects society from harm.

" - it’s up to us to put pressure on existing systems to make those changes! "

Eliminating the bar exam eliminates the pressure. Don't you see that? It means the law schools have 100% control over the profession. How about we just get rid of the JD requirement? What, other than you already having a JD, is the problem with that?

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