The reason why Amethyst was laying on top of a tiger in her introduction scene in the pilot.

And fears and excuses.

(Claiming Zeus as a father was a really effective way to make being a bastard a source of pride. Often the God indicated really implied what sort of rapist the mother identified. If Hermes the unknown father was a traveler, if Ares the father was an unknown soldier etc.)

Also stories about Gods 'taking' people described as fairy tale myths is very much based on the different euphemisms the ancients had for death according to how a person died. Apollo's arrows meant death by painful sudden sickness while awake (the heat of fever being indicated). Artemis meant death in your sleep or through a manner that involves loss of consciousness due to shock (ie like blood loss from hunting injuries and childbirth and childhood illnesses.)

We judge Zeus harshly now because he was so 'rapey' but his death from lightning strike was actually pretty rare. Poseidon was a big 'killer' (like Artemis.) As many men died working as fishermen and at sea as women died in childbirth.

The 'big bad' guys Hera and Zeus actually do come across as quite benign once you realize all his rapey stories were basically the bastard child's claim to 'heroic' legitimacy and that the lack of non-rapey stories in his name was due to the lack of association between him an common ways to die. Even when they told myths about a soldier who was struck by lightening during a storm at sea - it was Athena who 'borrowed' his thunderbolt. Lightening and a stormy sky was not a big metaphor for a common death for the Greeks.

For the Greeks, the sky god was a lover not a smiter.

(But his brother and his kids were straight up murder monkeys.)

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