The reason EU and LMS aren't getting chase the legend videos isn't because riot hates them.

What is soaz's storyline though, always being a role player on his team, doing okay? Being known for escaping ganks at worlds but not for ever carrying his team? I'd really like to hear, from what ive read people have commented soaz has a good story line because hes played for a long time, but I havent seen one comment about what his story line is... DL quit after what he considered his worst playing at worlds, lived more of a normal life, and wanted back into the scene to redeem himself and because he loves competition. xiaohu ran away from home, climbed to rank 1, got scouted by teams and was always pushing to be the best mid laner, he got shut down at last worlds and wants to redeem himself as a player. Crown lost at the finals of worlds last year, and seemed to be the player must affected by the loss, he is back again and this time he wants to be the winner of the finals. Pls tell me soaz's storyline, if any eu team were to have a storyline it best god damn be the team g2 that is back to redeem themselves at worlds after being the choke team of the century.

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