Reddit users with siblings born significantly later, 10-15 ish years after you. What kind of relationship do you have with them?

41 here, all my siblings are way older. Those are still alive are estranged. Growing up they blamed a lot on me and my dad (their step dad), dealt with a lot of petty shit.

Fast forward to about 15 years ago, ended up caring for mom after and during cancer and the results of it. After my dad died, they would come visit take her "shopping". After such they (including boyfriends/husbands and their kids) would sit around watching tv while mom would exhaust herself cooking for them then be too sick to eat after.

Oldest brother had a huge sense of entitlement, didn't want to do the work, but wanted all the benefits. He went nuts after mom passed, tried to chase me out out of my home (which he was co-owner of, with me on the deed as well.) because sharing was too much, and every attempt he made at building/moving in his own home ended up unfinished or half assed, and he wanted full access to mine.

Needless to say the property got sold and I wouldn't piss on him to put him out if he was on fire in a ditch. So glad that it's done.

tl;dr don't agree to be named on shared property, use a trust or some other legal means.

/r/AskReddit Thread