I want to report my boss/job to higher-ups. Does this e-mail sound professional?

I like the way you worded the letter. It sounds less accusatory. I will change the wording to make it a bit closer to this.

I also respectfully disagree with you about being complainy. Keep in mind that I'm barely being paid at all to be here. The teachers who are employed full time were essentially making me do their job for them (and actually receiving a pay bonus for having me there). So they were being paid to exploit me.

When I first arrived, I offered to do loads of extra things for the school. I set up a pen-pal exchange for the students with my old high school in the US, I created a twitter account and posted trivia questions for the kids every week, I participated in after school activities just for the heck of it, etc. This has nothing to do with me being lazy or not wanting to work. I was eager to help out and do extra things. This is plainly about being exploited and taken advantage of.

I don't think I worded myself in the best way in this post and perhaps should have led with some background info.

To put it into perspective a bit more, there is a Facebook group where thousands of the people in my program regularly post questions and advice. I posted about this issue several times throughout the past two years and every time received hundreds of comments telling me to absolutely report this to the head of the program, that this is an absolute abuse of the program and the school should be ashamed, that a friend of theirs was in the same situation and reported it and had positive results, etc.

I didn't come here for advice about whether or not the school was wrong, because none of you are familiar with the program that I'm doing, what is okay or not, or even Spanish culture. I already know that the school is plainly abusive and don't need advice or opinions from people who are just making assumptions.

I simply came here for help with wording an e-mail. Not sure why some of you felt the need to try and justify the school despite knowing nothing about the program, the laws here, etc.

Also one thing: I'm not a student teacher. This is a program for recent college grads of any major (or students in their last year of university) to come and provide English language support in the classroom. I never was and never will study to be a teacher.

/r/Advice Thread Parent