Response to "5 Reasons Anti-Mormon Arguments Are Totally Unconvincing"

TBM here! I don't think I have seen everything there is to say about Mormonism on either side of the issue but I do feel like I have made an active attempt at such. I like to find things that concern me, and others, about the faith and figure out where they came from and why they affect us they way they do. In most cases I find the same amount of supposed data manipulation, honest seekers, conspiracy theories, obnoxious know-it-alls and stubborn protesters on both sides. I see a lot of people leading with polarized feelings then matching data with their views. I do the same thing, I'm sure we all do. I don't know if I have ever been able to truly detach my ego from my research. I dont know if that is possible for humans to do. Both "Anti-Mormon" and "Apologist" often seem to hinge on the stance you take, before material is even presented. Everyone likes cut and dry answers to questions, especially questions about life. I think sometimes we force these answers into a mold without considering how little we really know. There is possible evidence that vindicates the church and possible evidence that damns the church. If you look hard enough and long enough you can completely justify your feelings one way or the other. I feel that despite the insistence of either sides extremist's, I have rarely been made to say "well I cant believe any other way" about most topics on Mormonism. I think that Dustin's article may help some to realize that believing is a choice, expanding their opportunities to think critically about the gospel. I believe that thinking critically about the church is the main objective of both sides on this issue. I constantly try to understand the gospel from the perspective of others and think critically about the church. I have weighed the arguments, made a choice and believe that choice was confirmed to be true by the Spirit. Ultimately I've concluded that my beliefs, as well as yours, will always be a choice. Dustin's ideas promote and encourage choice that may not be apparent to some, just as "Anti-Mormon" articles do the same.

/r/exmormon Thread