Riots erupt in Baltimore after Freddie Gray's funeral. Metro shutdown and students walk out of classes

I know this won't be seen but I really want to put my 2 cents out there just in hopes maybe one person will see it and they will change their mind.

Looting and property damage is totally uncalled for and is not a good way of fighting this, however I can't help but just imagine their frustration. This is a community who in the past 9 months saw at least 8 (i know there is way more) unarmed black men murdered with absolutely no justice. LOOTING IS COMPLETELY WRONG!! I am not advocating it but what really bothers me the most is how people forget about riots that a lot of white people have been apart of that caused destruction and death.

The riots in St. Louis after the cardinals won the world series left a man dead and dozens of Cars and stores completely destroyed, I hate the media and some people making this out to be the worst riot ever. Its not plain and simple.

My other point is that up until those police officers were hurt it wasn't violent. They(the media) kept saying violent protests before anyone ever got hurt. Breaking things and showing you're angry isn't violence its property damage.

Now about the violence thing. Yeah people are good to get hurt. This is what happens when an entire race of people are treated like 5th class citizens, killed by police at a an incredibly sickening rate. They are violent and angry because police are violent to them. But 2 wrongs don't make a right, I know this. But you can not keep pushing these people like they are nothing and expect them not to snap.

So yeah this won't get read and even if it does it will probably get down voted but I don't care. Needed to get this off my chest.

Tl;dr : rioting and violence isn't the answer, but what do you expect when you murder innocent people.

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